Analisa Variasi Penggunaan Pegas Kopling terhadap Gaya Dorong pada Kendaraan All New Yamaha Vixion

  • Reza Prakoso Ramadhan BPSDM Provinsi Jawa Timur
Keywords: thrust, clutch spring, traction performance


In its development, the automotive industry has undergone significant transformations
starting from the engine, body, traction, torque and many other indicators. This development has
become a special attraction for consumers where the variations presented are sufficient to provide
additional choices for consumers in making choices. Many factors affect the level of thrust of a
vehicle, one common factor is the replacement of the clutch spring. In theory, the greater the level of
stiffness of the clutch spring, the more optimal the thrust and traction of the vehicle will be. In this
scientific paper, a comparative analysis of several clutch spring variations on the market is presented
with the standard clutch spring from the test vehicle. This thrust test uses the dyno test method where
in this method several indicators are obtained as material for calculation and analysis. Furthermore,
it is hoped that this research can produce an analysis that can be developed where the variation
spring can produce optimal thrust
