Integrasi Data Alumni Pelatihan Berbasis Geospasial Menggunakan Google Earth

  • Bachtiar Nur Irawan BPSDM Provinsi Jawa Timur
Keywords: Geospatial, Google Earth, Training Alumni Data


Training alumni data is an important component in post-training evaluation and
monitoring of the implementation of actualization carried out by training participants. The
organization of alumni data is currently still being carried out partially and in comparison. By
integrating training alumni data into the repository system via Google Form and Google Drive, it will
facilitate the alumni data monitoring system and ensure that the training alumni data is stored
properly, fulfilling the correct data collection rules so that it can be processed into useful information
for its users. The attribute data of alumni training participants becomes information that can be felt
when it is integrated into spatial data. By using the simple Google Earth geospatial application,
training alumni data can be displayed in a GeoSpatial data format so as to provide a spatial context
and an overview of the environment, landscapes, infrastructure and a general social picture of the
community where the actualization is carried out by the participants. The use of integrated alumni
data allows for a better and comprehensive evaluation process as well as monitoring of training
alumni, so that in turn it can improve the quality of training and implementation as a whole
