Penggunaan Instagram Gaya Hidup Hedonisme

  • Galih Mahardika BPSDM Provinsi Jawa Timur
Keywords: Hedonism, Instagram, Social Media


Instagram is one of the many social media applications that are loved by various
groups, both children, young people and the elderly. The Instagram photo sharing service was first
launched in 2010, and is currently one of the prima donnas of social media that is used for various
purposes. The rapid use of Instagram at this time inevitably has various impacts, both positive and
negative. One of the negative impacts of the widespread use of photo and video sharing services is
the hedonistic lifestyle. Hedonism is an attitude that is described where the orientation of life is
always directed towards enjoyment, pleasure or avoiding unpleasant feelings. This study uses a
literature study research method by looking for theoretical references that are relevant to the cases
or problems found. The theoretical references obtained by means of literature study research are
used as the basic foundation and the main tool for research practice in the middle of the field. The
type of data used by the author in this study is primary data by observing and secondary data,
namely data obtained from journals, books, and the internet. Based on the research conducted, it
was found that there was an impact of using Instagram on a person's hedonistic lifestyle. Where the
initial function of Instagram social media was as a medium for sharing photos and videos, and now
it is moving away not only as a place for communication but also has negative impacts including
one's hedonism.
